Selasa, 29 Maret 2011


Asking for opinion
1. What do you think for/if...
2. Do you think...
3. What's your opinion about...
4. What your idea about...
Giving for opinion
1. In myopinion abaut...
2. I think...
3. in myview...
4. I assume...
What's your opinion about mrs.Dini?
In myopinion about mrs.Dini is beautiful, she is have high body and in studying she is very explicit. He student late go to school, she give a punishment which hard.

The Expression of love :
I love son much
I love you, baby
I do care about you
I really care about you
I like you, honey
You are my love, sweetheart
My dear, I always think about you

The expression of sadness :
I am feeding so sad
I am really sad
Please make leaved me alone
It’s the sadness day in my live
You make me sad

Merupakan untuk menunjukan sikap atau posisi seseorang penutur akan suatu masalah/pendapat/situasi.
Enquiring about (mencari tahu pendapat)
Wouldn't you agree ( that )...?
Wouldn't you say (that)...?
Don't you think (that)...?
Expressing agreement (menyatakan persetujuan)
I agree (with you)
You are right
That' right
I know
Expressing disagreement (menyatakan tidak persetujuan)
I disagree
I don't agree
I am not sure (about that)
I don't know (about that)
I am cann't agree

go away:
I have you:
Shouth your mounth:
X: I will go away because I'm anger some you
Y: I'm sorry, I must make you anger

Pola conditional merupakan bentuk kalimat pengandaian dengan ciri hadirnya kata jika/apabila, yang umumnya dinyatakan dangan kata IF. Terdapat dua kategori besar pola pengandaian yakni : The real (factual dan nabiutral) dan unreal (centrary to the fact).
The real conditional yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah future conditional, merupakan pola lamunan yang menyatakan sesuatu memiliki peluang untuk terjadi bila syarat tertentu terpenuhi selanjutnya disebut conditional type 1.
Type unreal merupakan pola lamunan yang merupakan pengingkaran dari fakta sebenarnya akan terjadi atau sedang terjadi sekarang yang lebih dikenal dengan present conditional atau conditional type 2.
Dan kedua lamunan yang berkontradiksi dengan yang sebenarnya sudah terjadi yang lebih dikenal dengan past conditional atau conditional type 3.

1. Future Conditional (Conditional Type 1)
Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu mungkin terjadi pada waktu mendatang atau sekarang, jika syarat atau kondisi tertentu terpenuhi. Conditional type 1 dibentuk oleh rangkaian simple present sebagai sub-clause dan simple future sebagai
main clause.
If + subject 1 + present + subject 2 + [will/can/may/must] + verb 1 (simple form)

1. If you come with me for a jogride to night, you will have a great fun.
2. You must study hard, if you want to enter favorite university
"If" Pada pola diatas dapat dilesapkan / dihilangkan tanpa mengubah makna dengan mengubah structur polanya didalam bentuk inverse
Should + subject 1 + simple form + subject 2 + [will/can/may/must] + verb 1 (simple form)

~ If you come with me for a jogride to night, you will have a gread fun
~ Should you want to enter favorite university, you must study hard

2. Present Conditional (Conditional Type 2)
Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang ada / terjadi sekarang / belakangan ini.

If + subject 1 + simple past + subject 2 + [would / could / might] + verb 1 / be
1. If I had time, I would go to the beach with you this week and
2. He would tell you about, it if he were here
"If" dengan menggunakan to be "were" pada pola diatas dapat dilesapkan / dihilangkan tanpa mengubah makna dengan mengubah structur polanya kedalam bentuk inversi.
Were +subject 1 + adjective + noun + subject 2 + [would / could / might] + verb / be

~ Were I to have time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend
~ Were he here, he would tell you about it
3. Past Conditional (Conditional Type 3)
Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangn dengan apa yang telah terjadi sesuatu yang sudah berlalu
If + subject 1 + past perfect + subject 2 + [would / could / might] + have + verb 3 / been
1. If I had known you were there, I would have writen you a letter
2. If you had asked me I would, have told you the whole story
Bentuk inversi (tanpa menggunakan kata "if") untuk type ini adalah
Had + subject 1 + verb 3/been + subject 2 + [would/could/might] + have + verb 3/been

~ Had I known you were there, I would have written you a letter
~ Had you asked me I would have told you the whole story

Example of Conditional
1. If I were in town, I would go
I do not were in town, pn i would not go
2. If I had known you were, I would come to have you.
I do not had known you were, so I would not came to have you.

Toretell/to tell funny story
The structures
Orientation : Pengenalan waktu,tokoh dan tempat.
Event : Kejadian.
Twist : Akhir yang tidak terduga atau lucu.
Dalam satu Sroof text, dapat terjadi beberapa event.
Tittel Penguin in the par
Orientation Once a man was walking in a park when he came a class a penguin.
Event 1
He took him to a policeman and said.” I have just Found this penguin what should ? Do?”
The policeman replied" take him to the zoo.
Event 2
The next day the policeman saw the some in the some park and the man was still carrying the penguin with him. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked. "Why are you still earring that penguin about ? Didn't you take it to the zoo" "I Certainly did" Repaired the man.
And it was great idea because he really enjoyed it so today I am taking him to the movies.


'Would rather' mempunyai arti: Would prefer to ( lebih suka ).
A- I would rather have ice cream than milk shake.
B- Would you rather have ice cream or milk shake?
C- I would prefer to have ice cream rather than milk shake
D- I would rather not have anything
E- Do you want to eat out? 'no I’d rather not'
F- I would prefer eat out rather than go/to go/going to the movies
1} Dalam kalimat Tanya kita menggunakan or untuk memperkenalkan suatu pilihan, sedangkan dalam kalimat pasif yang menggunakan would rather kita menggunakan than.
2} kita menggunakan rather than dengan would prefer + to invinitive.
3} Untuk kalimat negative. Kita menambahkan not setelah would rather/would prefer dan sebelum kata kerja utama sehingga kalimat
- I would rather not have ice cream
- I would prefer not to have ice cream
4} kita menggunakan
Would prefer + to infinitive + rather than + infinitive
Would prefer + to infinitive + rather than + to infinitive
would prefer + to infinitive + rather than +V ing(dalam contoh f diatas)
5} Kita mengatakan 'I’d rather not' sebagai jawaban pendek. kita menggunakan prefer dengan cara berikut
~ Prefer to + infinitive + rather than + infinitive/to infinitive/verb/ing
I prefer to swim rather than play/to play/playing basket ball
~ Prefer + verb + ing + to + verb + ing
I prefer swimming to playing basket ball
~ Prefer + verb + ing + rather than + verb + ing
I prefer swimming rather than playing basket ball
~ Prefer + something + to + something
I prefer tea to coffee
A} "Rather than" dalam kalimat diatas dapat diganti dengan instead of tetapi kata kerja yang mengikuti 'instead of' harus dalam bentuk Verb + ing
I prefer to stay (at) home instead of going out
B} "rather than” dapat diikuti oleh infinitive, to infinitive atau verb + ing, tetapi penggunaannya lebih baik di sesuaikan dengan kata kerja sebelumnya
C} Jika kita lebih suka seseorang melakukan sesuatu kita menyatakannya dengan prefer : I prefer you to do it for me.
(Prefer + somebody + to + infinitive)
D} Dengan would rather (would rather + some body + the past form)
 - I'd rather you did it for me
- I'd rather you didn't smoke

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